
A 2D physics puzzle game made in Unity, where you save the cute Bloobo particle from TubeTech!

I was a Game Designer and Narrative Designer on Bloobo, with an impact on mechanics, levels, and our narrative sequence.

My Work

  • Concepted and documented level features, including Portals, Rails, and Weight Changers.

  • Developed puzzle levels from Figma wireframes to full playable sequences.

  • Created a level beat sheet inspired by Candy Crush Saga’s design practices.

  • Designed the Red Mass, a final boss that acts as a funnel into our original UGC system.

  • Fleshed out meta economy features including level rank rewards, cosmetics, and store.

  • Wrote cutscene scripts, incidental dialogues for different game states, and core level dialogues, developing major characters Aandro and John Tube.

  • Researched real-world equivalents to villain company TubeTech, compiling a narrative bible with a glossary of in-universe terms.
